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Baby is getting plumper and bonier at the same time—what’s up with that? Plus, what no one tells you about sex during pregnancy.
Baby’s skeleton has been pretty much all cartilage up to this point, but now it’s beginning to harden into bone—around 300 bones, in fact, compared to just 206 in an adult skeleton. These bones will continue to grow and harden, fusing together in a process called ossification, until baby reaches maturity. For now, though, they’re soft and malleable—the fetal skull, for example, is actually several plates that will shift and mold as he squeezes through your pelvis. Your precious one is also packing on the pounds, weighing in at around 6 oz. and measuring 5 inches long (think pomegranate ). All of this scrumptious fat will keep him warm, support optimal brain function, and help keep him resilient until he learns to crawl, wobble, and walk some of it off. In fact, babies are made up of nearly 70% fat when born! All of your wonderful prenatal nutrition is going directly into those adorable rolls and folds and kissable cheeks. ☺
Feeling any baby flutters yet? This phenomena is called “quickening,” and many mamas experience it around now. Sometimes it can feel like gas, nerves, or an upset tummy, but it’s really your tiny dancer shaking his groove thing in the disco ball that is your belly. The flutters will graduate to full-on kicks after week 20, so you’ve got that to look forward to. If you’re not feeling baby yet, DON’T WORRY! Some mamas won’t feel movement for a few more weeks. Just know that it’s coming soon! Here’s more info on when you’ll feel baby begin to move. Also, know that the position of your placenta can majorly affect when and how well you feel your baby move. I felt my first child move right around 18 weeks (oh the J❣Y!). With my second pregnancy, I didn't feel her consistently move until the 3rd trimester! That's because I had an anterior placenta, which means the placenta is positioned on the front wall of the uterus as opposed to the back, and it interferes with mom's ability to feel baby's movements. Pregnancy-week-by-week-mama-at-17-weeks-pregnant-Mama-Natural
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Sex During Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know Being pregnant was the one time in my life that I felt I could relate with a teenage boy. You see, I thought about sex… a lot. I wanted it a lot. And I enjoyed it a lot. Who knew this was a perk of being pregnant? No one tells you this stuff! And it makes sense. Biologically, your uterus is enlarged with more blood vessels, so more blood flow reaches your clitorus, a woman’s biggest erogenous area. Even your breasts may be more sensitive to the touch. All thanks to that increased blood flow! Take a little tip from me. Enjoy this magic middle-of-pregnancy sex NOW, because it will end at some point as your belly reaches historic size. And most likely, it will take a nosedive postpartum, as your hormones and blood volume regulate. It’s actually quite lovely… it's almost nature’s way of letting us get even closer with our partners before baby comes. This strong bond will be important as you both encounter some of life’s hardest work: being a parent. Here’s everything you need to know about sex during pregnancy.
Check out these hot topics for your 17th week of pregnancy!
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