Every Thursday I send an email with three quick tips to brighten your day and help you and your family lead a more natural life. Want to get it?
You’re already defending your baby without even knowing it. Plus, what you NEED to pack in your hospital bag.
Baby Natural is 19 inches long this week and closing in on 5 pounds. Her lungs are nearly mature now, and her fat layers are filling in nicely. Her beautiful eyes are fully open—only closing when it’s time to doze off.
And something I find super fascinating... baby is receiving your antibodies through the placenta to develop and protect her immune system. This is called "passive immunity" since she’s relying on your antibodies rather than producing her own.
As mamas, we’ll do whatever it takes to protect our kids. And that starts before they’re even born.
However, this protection is temporary and lasts only a short while after birth. But, fear not, we have a perfect remedy that will boost her immunity once again: BREASTMILK. Mother's milk is loaded with antibodies and immune-boosting proteins to help protect your baby from bacteria and viruses. (Colostrum is particularly beneficial.)
How cool is that? I think this meme from La Leche League of Greater St. Louis sums it up nicely.
I make milk, what’s your superpower meme
Sleep and pregnancy don’t always go hand-in-hand.
But just as you've got all those things figured out... you start waking up 100 times a night to pee! Sheesh.
And don’t even get me started on pregnancy dreams! At one point during my pregnancy, I kept having dreams about guys from high school and hot romps. What is the deal? I was (and am) madly in love with my husband!
Turns out that crazy dreams during pregnancy may be one way to deal with all of the incredible changes going on in our lives. As I thought about it, my sexy dreams were really about my feelings around my greatly expanding body.
Some mamas dream of war scenes, or losing teeth, or falling from the sky… all totally natural, as your subconscious tries to process all the changes and anxieties around motherhood.
Breathe deeply, journal about your feelings, and know that what happens in dreamland stays in dreamland.
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Hospital Bag Checklist-What to Bring When You’re Having a Baby by Mama Natural
What’s the most exciting trip you’ve ever packed for?
How about baby's birth day?!?
No need to stress about what to pack. I've got a hospital bag checklist that will make it easy peasy for you.
Do yourself a favor and have your bag packed (or house stocked) around 37 weeks so you won’t have to give it an extra thought until those contractions start coming full force.
Here's my hospital bag checklist. As always, take what you like and leave the rest!
Dig deeper into these hot topics for your 34th week of pregnancy!