4 Week Old Baby Reader Story 💡
Mom! Mom! Can You Hear Me, Mom?
Baby Week to Week 4 Mama Natural Mom Mom Can You Hear Me Mom Naomi may look like a little angel here… just wait until 5 p.m. rolls around…
The dreaded “witching hour”—those early evening hours when baby is all kinds of fussy—started when Naomi was about four weeks old. It was like a switch flipped every night at 5 p.m. Naomi would get very cranky and cry and cry and cry. She’d cry so hard we had to use closed captioning to follow anything on TV! Bouncing, rocking, an extra feeding… nothing seemed to work. It was all tears all the time for our little one.
Then the pastor’s wife—a seasoned mom with five young children—recommended cluster feeding in the evenings. It was like a gift from above! Sure, it wasn’t the easiest solution for mama. Sore nipples, exhaustion, constant latching and unlatching—talk about a marathon! But, low and behold, it cut the crying down by at least half.
Though cluster feeding helped manage the fussiness, becoming dairy-free finally eliminated the problem. Once I got the willpower to cut all dairy out of my diet, the evening hours were finally ours again, and best of all, my precious baby finally got some much-needed relief. — Brittany