41 Week Old Baby Development

Why imaginative play is so vital. Plus, have you started thinking about—gasp!—baby’s birthday yet??

  • 41 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶

    Your baby has now reached a point in her development where she is able to engage in imaginative play! Have you noticed that when she is playing, she will use items to mimic real life situations? For example, she may pick up a block and talk to it like a phone. Maybe she holds her doll and rocks it back and forth.

    This type of play is so important, as it helps children better understand the world around them! As she grows older, this imaginative play can even help her develop a sense of moral development and empathy, as she is able to pretend and place herself into different social and emotional roles of life.

    As she engages in this imaginative play, you may also notice her prelinguistic conversations start to emerge. You may notice that her babbles and coos are becoming clearer and more conversation-like. Observe the way she verbalizes with you and with others. When you talk to her, or ask her questions, does she contribute to the dialogue by talking back to you? Whether or not it’s language you understand, this back and forth dialogue shows that she is practicing conversational turn taking, preparing her for later speech and language development. Learn more about when babies start talking.

    Baby's also made a lot of progress at mealtime. Now that baby has been eating solids for a few months, they may be full-on self-feeding at this point. And if not, chances are they're ready. Check out this post to brush up on baby-led weaning, and be sure baby has age-appropriate utensils and cups to help encourage further development.

    41 week old baby Mama Natural Baby Tracker
  • You at 41 Weeks Postpartum 👩

    Now that your little one is nearly ten months old, you’re getting closer and closer to that one year mark! Now is the time that many mamas start to think about that first birthday party or even a one year photo shoot.

    You’ve still got plenty of time to think about what’s to come over the next two months, but here are some thought starters:

    • 1st birthday party: Do you want to go big or keep it simple? Some mamas find that it’s easier to keep a first birthday party small and mellow; others like to go all out. Think about what’s right for you and how much time and energy you have to deliver the kind of party you may want.
    • 1st birthday photo shoot: If you’re planning something special to capture this momentous occasion, think about a special place you might want to take the photos. It’s also a good time to start shopping around for different photographers, if you’re going to hire a professional. Think about people you may know (close friends and family) who might be willing to take a few good shots of your little one. For a more cost-effective solution, use the photography tips in this post to conduct your own DIY photo shoot.
    • Smash cakes: Because a smash cake is usually baby’s first “treat,” many natural mamas want to give their babies the healthiest, most natural cake that’s still fun and festive. These all-natural smash cakes are just as fun as other sugar- and dye-laden recipes.

    There are some exciting times ahead, mama! It’s never too early to start thinking about how you want to celebrate your little one’s first trip around the sun—and your first year working hard to mother that sweet baby!

  • Genevieve’s Week 41 Postpartum Update 🌞

  • Hot Topics for Week 41 🔥

  • Try This With Your 41 Week Old Baby

    • Provide a space with materials for imaginative play—baby may not fully engage for a few months now, but may begin to manipulate objects in imaginative ways (i.e. using a wooden block as a phone)

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