50 Week Old Baby Milestones 👶
As your little one gets closer and closer to their first birthday, you may begin to see some changes in their sleep patterns. Around this time, some babies will drop to just one nap a day. As their brains continue to grow and mature, they are able to stay awake for longer stretches of time. While this may seem like a scary thing (only one nap?!), there are some potential benefits:
- Bedtime may shift to an earlier time: That’s right! With the drop of a second nap, many find that their little one is tired much earlier at the end of the day. This leaves more alone time for you and your partner—woo hoo!
- Lunch may be on a more regular schedule: On a two nap schedule, lunchtime may have been a little erratic. As he drops to just one nap, many find that feeding lunch beforehand can actually keep a better mealtime schedule—and can help baby sleep better!
- Nighttime sleep may improve: With the drop in naps, there is more time in the day to explore, and possibly even spend more quality time outdoors. This extra activity can help baby sleep in a deeper, more peaceful state at night. Aahhh!
He’s getting so close to celebrating his first year around the sun. Can you believe it?! With all of the excitement of the impending first birthday, may come a few changes. You’ve made it through almost 12 months of some major developmental changes—you can handle anything that comes your way now, mama!
50 week old baby Paloma Mama Natural Baby Tracker Photo of Mama Natural’s daughter Paloma at 50 weeks.